Friday, December 4, 2015

Support Black Farmers

For only $15.00 a month you can help Gullah Gee Chee Farmers, AAFIN Farms of Oyotunji African Kingdom Village, Nation of Islam Farms, or choose to support a local Black Farmer in your area. Every little bit helps farmers stay a float, pay outstanding taxes, survive a tough harvest, overcome drought or expand their farm. Click links below, to support Gullah Gee Farms or Oyotunji African Village Kingdom farming operations. 

We continue to stress food and medicinal herbs as the beginnings of Nationalism. With this comes support of the farmer, especially our Black farmers, the Gullah Gee Chee farmers, and many Black farmers throughout the United States, have fought to keep their land and get a fair price for the crops on the open market. We encourage you to support Black farmers, get to know them, because one day soon we will need to show us the way to survive off the land again.

The Black Farmers and Agriculturalists Association –Florida Chapter was formed under the national Black Farmers and Agriculturalist Association or­ganization of Tillary, North Carolina. The Florida Chapter was organized as a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) corporation on April 2, 2011. Here is their donation page, please be kind and give to a worthy cause. BFAA

Here is a whole list of Black Farmers, follow the link and get to know the growers. GrassRoots Businesses

We advise that you do not take this information lightly but use it to grow and learn about farming your own food. You can begin planting seeds in pots in your home, start a local community garden or purchase land, an acre or two and start your very own farm. We wish you the best in whatever route you should choose to take and pray you are successful.

Remember food can be a source to free you or control you. The choice is always yours, as you have been told. Love, Sango.

***Recommended Collection Book***

Learn to heal yourself and family

Self Reliant Medicine

Hoodoo Medicine: Gullah Herbal Remedies 

Hoodoo Medicine is African American natural healing. Its roots go back centuries to the first enslaved Africans who brought knowledge of healing plants with them and learned more from the American Indians and European settlers they lived among.

The book Hoodoo Medicine describes in rare detail the plants and herbs historically used by the Gullah (also called the Gullah Geechee) of the South Carolina and Georgia Sea Islands, or Low Country.

About the author. 

Faith Mitchell earned her Doctorate in Medical Anthropology in 1980 from the University of California, Berkeley.  She is the President and CEO at Grant makers In Health. Formerly, Mitchell was a senior staff member of the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC, the Senior Coordinator for Population in the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration in the US State Department, and a program officer at the Hewlett and San Francisco foundations.

Keyhole gardens for better nutrition and livelihoods

Keyhole Garden - How to make an African style raised bed
Build with what you have! 

Keyhole Garden - How to build a Keyhole Garden / Raised Bed Vegetable Patch
 Build with bricks!


A keyhole garden (so-called because of its shape) is a round raised garden, supported with stones. Keyhole gardens are built in places where it is difficult to build normal gardens (rocky areas, shallow arid/or compacted soils, etc), near the entrance of dwellings to facilitate their watering with household waste water. Keyhole gardens are made with low-cost locally available materials. The production of a keyhole garden can be enough to feed a family of 8 persons. Such gardens can produce food all year round even under harsh temperatures and can support the production of at least 5 varieties of vegetables at a time - thus supporting dietary diversity. Compared to regular vegetable gardens, keyhole gardens require less labor (ideal for elderly, children or sick persons), less water and no costly fertilizers or pesticides. They act like an organic recycling tank, using your food and garden waste as fuel to grow vegetables! Crop rotation and growing of insect-repellent plants are important to balance nutrient demands, fight insects and plant diseases, and deter weeds. When a project introduced keyhole gardens in Lesotho, neighbouring villages outside the project intervention area were reproducing keyhole gardens on their own initiative, clearly indicating the success of the intervention and its potential sustainability.

The advantages of using this technology:
Keyhole gardens are built in places where it is difficult to build normal gardens (rocky areas, shallow arid/or compacted soils, etc). They are built with low-cost materials easily retrieved locally. It is a labour-saving and organic technology that requires little inputs, and can feed a family of eight for 5 to 7 years.

The construction of keyhole gardens is considered to be implemented by the whole community to alleviate the burden on orphans and vulnerable children, the elderly and the chronically ill. Through participatory approaches, beneficiaries are involved in all stages of project activities: planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, thus ensuring appropriation of the approach and strengthening community networks. 

The building process:
2.1 To make a keyhole garden  you will need some very simple items:

Soil, compost
Strong string
Straw or something similar
Well rotted manure and wood ash
Large stones, bricks or logs
Scrap metal (old cans, etc.)
Several sticks or 1.5meters canes
2.2. How to build it:

1.Find a space near your house that’s about 3m2 and make sure that there is enough sunlight and it is located closely to access to water.

2. Clear the space of weeds and dig it over.

3. Measure out the arm span of whoever will use the garden with some gardening twine. Halve this length and then add another 30cms – this is the radius of your garden (you can make any size you like, however!).

4. Tie a stick to each end of a string, plant one in the centre of your space and use the other end to draw your circle in the ground.

5. Draw out an entrance triangle to your keyhole from the edge of the circle to its centre, starting at a width of two feet.

6. The first layer of soil has to be dug out, leveled and covered with multiple layers of locally-made compost (manure, organic waste, scrap metal, wood ash, plant waste, yard sweepings, etc).

6. Take four long sticks (at least 1.5m long) and well plant them firmly in the ground to mark the angles of a square well at the center of your circle. The sides of the square should be about 30-40cm long. Next, lash the sticks horizontally along the base, middle and top to create your well – it should reach a height of about 1.3 meters, or at a level that can be reached by the person(s) that will work on the garden.

7.  Place large stones around the perimeter of the garden, remembering to create the entrance to the well.

8.  Line the inside of the well with straw (to keep the compost from falling out, but allowing water to filter) and then fill with a successive layers of scrap metal, soil/manure, straw, grass and leaves, ash, soil/manure and so on, until the well is about two thirds full. This central well serves for irrigation purposes: water will be poured in it from the top, allowing for its dispersal through the whole enclosed garden (see pictures below). 

8. Once the central well is filled, you can start filling the garden with the same technique used for the central well. Also, if you can include some worms, they’ll help keep the soil fertile. Whilst you are filling these layers in, you will need to progressively build the garden’s perimeter wall with large stones– effectively making a dry-stone-wall that holds in the layers. Remember to consider a height that the person in charge of maintaining the garden can comfortably reach, and to ensure that the perimeter walls lean very slightly towards the centre of the garden, for a greater stability. The wall can be made sturdier by packing small pebbles, stick and mud into the gaps.

9. The last layer of soil on top of the raised garden should be shaped as a mound, which slopes away from the well – this increases the surface area that you can plant on, and allows the runoff of excess water.

11.You can segment the planting area into different crop areas to enable you to rotate them next season. This will allow you a grow a greater diversity of food crops and will benefit your garden’s fertility.

You may divide your planting area into 4 parts allocated for: 1) leafy plants; 2) root crops; 3) peas and beans (or other legumes) while the fourth section stays fallow, covered by a thick layer of manure and mulch. Crops should preferably be part of the local biodiversity, and chosen according to their nutrient content and potential for inclusion in diets. Each planting areas is separated from others by a line of medicinal and insect-repellent plants. Systematic retrieval of knowledge and experience of local populations have to be applied: nobody knows the constraints and opportunities of their environment better. Crops should rotate in turn approximately every two months. Or, if you are a seasoned gardener, you will know how to do some intercropping and companion planting (find useful advice:

12. Irrigation: to irrigate your garden, pour water directly in the central well from above. You may use grey waters from household use. The water will now permeate the garden and water the roots of your crops with lots of great nutrients.

13.  Composting: Use uncooked, organic food-waste to create a compost heap or put them straight into the central well in warmer months, to increase fertility. Putting a lid over the top of the central well (made with an old carpet or a plastic bag) will help retain heat, reduced evaporation and speed up the composting process a bit.

The keyhole garden structure ensures soil fertility for 5 to 7 years.

Square Foot Gardening How To
Garden in small spaces

Grow from home in pots.
For you urban growers

Bleed the beast and Support the only solution to injustice, "Black Nationalism" 
List of Black Nationalist fundraisers

Supporting all these worldwide fundraisers would cost about 50 U.S Dollars. Give as much as you can, it all goes to support infrastructure for African American communities.
Our main donation page at OyoTunji African Village. We are raising $15 dollars per month via 100, 000 brave lionesses and lions, who are ready to support a Black Nationalist economy. $127,000,000 million in 7 years, lets keep it going strong. Click here: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Help save Gullah Gee Chee land. Fighting hard for African liberation since the 17th century, descendants of Angola, the Gullah Gee Chee people, managed to preserve some of their native tongue, their ancestry culture and pride. From slave revolts to freeing other slaves, civil rights struggle, Pan-Africanism, many of the members of the famed, "Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church" of Charleston are Gullah Gee Chee descendants. Because of the low state of economy of South Carolina's Low Country, government seizure of their lands and vicious taxation, many Gullah people are losing their lands. But you can help them out with a small donation. Here is their GoFundMe page: 
Dr. Umar Johnson's fund me page. Click here:
He is raising $5 Million dollars for a high tech private school for our young boys. If we could reach 300,000 people this would give Dr. Johnson his $5 Million for the school. A girl's school would be the next ideal mark and also Queen's club where our women can gather for they are the leaders of the family's interest.
Also support the Collect Black People Movement. They have a .27 a cent day, $8.10 fundraiser a month, they already have a thousand people signed up. Click here:
Much love for my believers on the Nation of Islam they also have a fundraising that's set at .30 cents day, about $10.00 a month. They are shooting for 16 million people, trying to raise about 250 million in a year. Click here:
For more info:
Empire Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah. The Nation of ancient American Mound Builders they came before Columbus from Africa on Egyptian boats. Africans were sailing the seas for thousands of years. The Washitaw are ruled over, like the Gullah, by a Queen Mother, Her Highness Devine: Empress Wendy Farica Washitaw. Please show your support for their nation. We are only as strong as our weakest link as African Diaspora. The Washitaw donation page: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please support all these Black Nationalists efforts to provide true economic freedom and total liberation for all African Diaspora. The hand has five fingers and they all must be strong, work in coordination, to build a stronger Diaspora.
Henry Garnett said, "If we are to bleed, then lets bleed all at once.
Those who have it to give should give large amounts. In the upper ranges of $250.00 one time. If we can get 10,000 people to give $250 that would be $2.5 Million to complete , His Royal Majesty Oba Adefunmi II's 7 year plan, all in month. So give now! Up you Mighty Nation-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Queen Mother of Africa, Her Royal Highness the Nnabagereka (Queen) of Buganda, Sylvia Nagginda Luswata. Please give $1.00 per household member and show your support for women and children of Africa. As we know women suffer the greatest on the weak political platform of Africa and children die in record numbers. The Queen Mother makes 3/4th of the Africa world, women and children, her first priority. Her example must be followed worldwide, Her Royal Highness the Nnabagereka (Queen) of Buganda, Sylvia Nagginda Luswata, is bringing is the change of Africa. Donate:
Our goal is $1 Billion, raised by all Africans worldwide, all languages and all ethnic groups.